What kind of learner are you?

Studying for that exam or learning your presentation can be hard work at the best of times. But are you learning in the most productive way for you?


What kind of learner are you?

Graham Allcott, author of How To Be A Knowledge Ninja explains how to find out how you learn best…

Visual You are at your best when you can ‘see’ what you are learning. You like visual aids, graphs, drawings and symbols, and often learn by memorising where you see things.

Auditory You learn best by listening, to lectures or in discussions. You might remember things by saying them out loud, or memorising them to songs.

Kinaesthetic You prefer to learn via the ‘lived’ experience, through moving, touching and doing – you like to explore and experiment. You will learn best by being involved in the process, whether that’s visiting a museum or making notes.

Adapted from ‘How To Be A Knowledge Ninja’ by Graham Allcott (Icon Books, £12.99)

Photograph: iStock


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