Use social media to get a job

Increasingly employers check out job candidates’ social media profiles. Read our tips to improve your online presence.


Use social media to get a job

New research* shows that 53 per cent of students believe employers should check online profiles of people who apply for jobs with them. But it’s not just students who are at risk.

Anyone who has a social networking profile can be Googled, meaning that any information you’ve ever put online can be found, no matter how long ago you shared it.

From misjudged photos, to inappropriate tweets, one mistake could cost you the job. However, if used correctly, social media can be used to improve your chances of landing your dream job.

Rachel Harris, director of employability at The University of Law, offers these tips for using social media to enhance your job prospects:

* Research carried out by Future Lawyers Network by the University of Law. Find out how social networks affect friendship groups and whether we share too much online.

Read our tips on how to master the modern job interview  


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