Psychologies Photo Competition

Have you got an eye for photography? Psychologies has a monthly competition for readers to showcase their photographic talents in the magazine and online. Enter now...


Psychologies Photo Competition

Would you like to showcase your photographic talents in the magazine and online? 

Each month, we're asking you to submit your best photographs on a particular theme into the new Psychologies Monthly Photography Competition. We'll print the winning photograph in the next issue of Psychologies magazine and on the following month and you'll receive a bag of goodies!

For our next issue, the theme is 'PASSION'. Please send your photograph attached in an email to by midnight on 23 August. Please include the email subject as ‘Photo Competition’ and the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your contact telephone number
  • A caption of up to 75 words about your photograph
  • Date and location of photograph
  • Images must be attached as a jpeg at 300dpi up to 5MB.

The winning image, along with next month's competition theme will be announced in the next issue. Please see terms and conditions online at   

See the winners' gallery here.

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