MSc Attachment Studies and short courses

The University of Roehampton offers top quality courses in the assessment of attachment and parenting, plus mounting effective interventions


MSc Attachment Studies and short courses

Taught by combinations of distance learning and short blocks in the university, these courses can also be brought in by employers and delivered in the workplace.

You will:

Gain a specific qualification in the assessment of child and adult attachment, developmental trauma, parenting and family functioning.

Who is this for?

Designed especially for social care professionals, the programmes draw on Patricia Crittendenโ€™s Dynamic Maturational  Model (DMM) of attachment. You will be equipped to analyse a wide range of validated assessments and apply them to improve the wellbeing of families.


All courses are taught by experts in the field. 

โˆ™ MSc Attachment Studies: one year full-time or two years part-time

โˆ™ Certificate in DMM Attachment based family assessment and intervention:

Take three modules in the workplace (minimum 10 students) or at the university.

โˆ™ Professional Development Courses in Child, Adult and Family Assessment:

Choose from a range of short courses that include a reliability test and certificate of completion.

To find out more and apply:

Visit the university’s website here.

E: T: +44 (0)20 8392 3232

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