Join our Psychologies reader panel
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We’re delighted to receive feedback from readers on what you like (and don’t like!) about Psychologies’ content โ we find this feedback very useful in planning future issues.
Now we’d like to take this a little further. We want to set up a reader panel to get continuous feedback on content in a structured way. So we’re inviting you to join the reader panel for a six-issue trial period. We’re just as interested to hear from people who read the occasional issue as we are from regular buyers.
First, we need to know something about you, so please answer the questions below.
From the replies received, we will select a panel to give us the views of a broad range of readers. As a member of the Psychologies reader panel, we will send you each month for a minimum of six months, the latest issue of Psychologies free of charge. If you are a postal subscriber, we will provide six further subscription issues, at no cost to you.
We will ask you to read through the magazine, then complete an online tick-box questionnaire about that month’s issue. We will then ask you to tell us which articles and features you read or did not read and of those you read, which you enjoyed and/or found interesting. We will also ask you for any comments you have about the issue you have just read.
So if this is something you would like to be part of, please complete the initial recruitment questionnaire.
Photograph: Pรฅl Hansen