Do you have unhelpful perfectionism?

Are you a perfectionist at work? If so, it will be harming you personally and professionally, writes Hannah Davies


Do you have unhelpful perfectionism?

No such thing as perfect

Write down the answers to the following in your journal:

  • Do you strive to achieve excessively high standards at work?
  • Do you focus on what you havenโ€™t achieved instead of what you have?
  • Do your colleagues tell you that you set standards that are too high?
  • Are you afraid of failing to meet the standards youโ€™ve set for yourself?
  • Is your self-esteem dependent on achieving your career goals?
  • Do you work late, even if it means missing out on other things in life?
  • Do you delay tasks because youโ€™re afraid of failure, or not meeting your own high standards?

On Hannah’s journey to keep her perfectionism in check, she worked with Dynamic You therapy clinics. For more information, head to

Photograph: iStock

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