Do you forget what you have to do?

In our second 'Nature that nurtures' piece, Amerley Ollennu seeks out a natural prescription for that most modern of common ailments – trying to remember everything you have to do


Do you forget what you have to do?

Today, we put our bodies under more prolonged and different kinds of stress than generations before us, but traditional remedies still have a place in our modern world – and it doesn’t require a major life-overhaul to introduce them into your daily routine.

If you are… having difficulty trying to remember everything

Do you often feel like a circus act trying to keep all the balls in the air? From work deadlines to household chores to children’s schedules, we all try so hard to juggle the demands of our daily lives that it’s no wonder we find it difficult to remember everything.

‘Luckily there are great herbal remedies that can help,' says Tipper Lewis, head herbalist at Neal’s Yard Remedies. 'Gotu Kola, an Ayurvedic herb, has been found to protect neurons in the brain from damage, particularly the hippocampus – the area of the brain responsible for short- and long-term memory.

'Its high flavonoid (anti­oxidant) levels improve blood circulation to the brain, plus it helps beat stress by supporting the adrenal glands, that produce stress hormone cortisol, too.’

Try Neal's Yard Remedies Gotu Kola Single Herbal Tincture, £15/300ml

Photograph: iStock

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