Can I boost work wellness?

Each month, we raise a topic for the consideration of medical doctor Hazel Wallace, who gives us her balanced, research-backed and definitive explanation


Can I boost work wellness?

1 minute read

Q. I have a high-pressure job and work 50 hours a week, most of them sedentary. How can I safeguard my health?

A. When weโ€™re time poor, our health is often last on our list of priorities โ€“ but there are ways of keeping healthy at work:

  • Use your commute for fitness by walking all or part of the journey.
  • โ€˜Lunch shareโ€™ with a colleague, taking turns to make nourishing meals for each other.
  • Get a good nightโ€™s sleep. Screens negatively affect your sleep cycle. Switch off all devices an hour before bedtime.
  • Practise square, or box, breathing to counter stress: breathe in for a count of four, hold for four, out for four and hold for four. Repeat.

See more from Hazel Wallace @thefoodmedic and read her book โ€˜The Food Medic For Life: Easy Recipes To Help You Live Well Every Dayโ€™ (Yellow Kite, ยฃ20)

Image: Getty

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