Doing is not the same as Being.
Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells, explains that the only way we can help traumatised young people to change their behaviours, is to work with an understanding of their sense of shame.

Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells, explains that the only way we can help traumatised young people to change their behaviours, is to work with an understanding of their sense of shame.
Emma Sedgwick,trainee Ollie Coach, asks if you have you ever stopped to really look in the mirror properly and if you are you happy with what you see?
There are so many benefits to remote working; for example, no commute, more flexibility in what you wear and potentially fewer interruptions. However, the lines between work and home are blurring in different ways bringing a whole new set of challenges.
Watching the TV programme “Eat well, spend less,” I was fascinated by the way we can easily get into hard to break habits. Living on auto-pilot, filling the supermarket trolley with items that “we always buy” without really thinking, I guess that can also be said of a lot of things we do in life.
We all experience anger differently and the language we use to describe anger is explosive – we fume, we flare, we vent, we seethe, we blow up and we rage. But what’s the point of Anger? Written by trainee, Ollie Coach, Deborah Stephenson.
Unfortunately we are seeing an increase in the number of jobs being made redundant and will continue to do so over the coming months. Just because something is commonplace and “happening to everyone” doesn’t mean it’s any easier to deal with.
Sometimes our brains are acting so fast that the words just seem to tumble out of our mouths and we just blurt out a thought we have been trying to suppress. The ‘gaffe’ or ‘faux pas’. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells.
In this blog Trainee Ollie Coach, Stacie Glass asks you if you have ever wondered who or what that innver voice is and given it a name?