The Psychologies Real Natural Beauty and Wellbeing Awards 2018 – now open

The Psychologies Real Natural Beauty & Wellbeing Awards 2018, will go live in our October 2018 issue. Brands are now invited to enter their all-natural products for consideration. Deadline 10 July


The Psychologies Real Natural Beauty and Wellbeing Awards 2018 – now open

The Psychologies Real Natural Beauty & Wellbeing Awards is a rare thing – utterly objective, unaffiliated, unsponsored (so ad revenue plays no part whatsoever in our decisions) and none of the brands have had to pay any money to be considered. This means we can continue to give well-deserved spotlights to the smallest start-ups and ‘handmade’ brands without marketing budgets exempting anyone – something we care a great deal about.

All products are tried and tested by our independent expert panel – chosen because of their unique experience. On the panel we have a botanist and natural cosmetologist, nutritional therapists, natural make-up artists, holistic facialists and the UK’s most experienced health and beauty journalists, alongside wellbeing authors, respected bloggers and naturopathic industry insiders.

To request an entry form for the Real Natural Awards, please email



Best Cleanser
Best Face oil
Best Moisturiser
Best Mask
Best Peel/exfoliant
Best Serum
Best Tonic/mist/toner/dew
Best Eye product


Best Body oil
Best Body Cream
Body wash
Best Body scrub/mask
Best Natural Deodorant 
Best Natural Toothpaste


Best Shampoo
Best Conditioner
Best Intensive Treatment
Best Hair Oil
Best Scalp product
Best Styling product


Best base
Best mascara
Best lip balm
Best Lipstick
Best Cheek Product
Best multi-use product
Best concealer


Best Bath Salts
Best Bath Oil
Best Aromatherapy Product


Best Natural Supplements
Best Natural/Organic Tea
Best Probiotics
Best Digestive Enzymes

Please feel free to include any additional favourites here, e.g. CBD oil, tinctures, homeopathic remedies, balms (e.g. arnica) etc.

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