Recipe: beetroot brownies

Try this delicious recipe from Eve Kalinik – a healthier alternative to conventional brownies, with no added sugar


Recipe: beetroot brownies

I call these Asma's Beet Brownies, after a special client of mine. I dare you not to eat them before the kids!

Serves 6


  • 2 cans black beans, drained (approx 480g)
  • 80ml melted coconut oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup cacao powder (or unsweetened cocoa powder)
  • 4 tbsp beetroot powder
  • Seeds of one vanilla pod
  • 12 dates
  • ¼ tsp Himalayan salt


Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease the bottom of a 13½ x 8 x 1-inch brownie pan with coconut oil. Add all the ingredients to a large food processor and blend until smooth.

Spoon into the pan and bakefor approximately 35 minutes until you can see slight cracking on the top, and it is springy to the touch. Leave to cool fully before cutting into squares.

For more from Eve, see

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