It’s play time!

Explore the importance of play with a free online course from FutureLearn and The University of Sheffield


It's play time!

Remember the joy you felt when your homework was done or the bell went at school and you were free to play?

FutureLearn, an exciting new provider of free online courses from top UK and international universities, is about to launch a seven-week free online course called Exploring Play: The Importance Of Play In Everyday Life, from The University of Sheffield.

This course looks at understanding the nature and value of play throughout the course of our lives and across cultures and communities.

From the history of play to whether play helps us to learn, from how spaces can be designed to encourage playfulness to media panic about computer games, Exploring Play hopes to help you to think differently about play, and discover why something that is so often taken for granted is actually very important and significant to us all, and is a fundamental part of innovation and creativity across a whole range of subjects, careers, disciplines and industries.

The course requires only three hours a week, and can be taken on any device (desktop, mobile, tablet). Learners can learn anywhere, go at their own pace and catch up at any time. They already have over 350,000 learners from 100 countries around the world, with exceptional feedback and satisfaction rates.

For more information about the course, visit

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