Guilt is good!
In this blog, Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells explores the differences between feelings of guilt and shame and reflects on how both feelings are ‘normal’.

In this blog, Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells explores the differences between feelings of guilt and shame and reflects on how both feelings are ‘normal’.
In this blog Ollie Coach, Lorraine Singleton tells us of how she is putting her ‘oxygen mask’ on everyday, making the most of 2020.
What is it that happy, confident and resilient people do differently? It isn’t easy to work this out alone. But where do you start when looking for support? Positive psychology coaching may be an option for you to explore.
In this blog trainee Ollie Coach Deborah Stephenson describes how we create emotional anchors all the time – even when decorating!
Belinda Wells, Ollie Coach, takes us through the most common reasons why people seek help from a therapists, coach or counsellor and what links them all.
This article offers a five-step approach to creating a credible personal pitch that will enable you to introduce yourself with panache.
Are you told you have great potential and are a valued member of the team but still find yourself overlooked for promotion or high visibility projects? Do you sometimes feel that your efforts aren’t paying off and you’re facing invisible obstacles trying to progress your career?
Ollie Coach, Hilary Crundwell asks “Are our children more anxious with the new normal?”
2020. Love it or hate it. For me, It’s been a year of growth, healing deep parts of myself, learning, connecting with my intuition and developing myself to a point I would have never considered possible. There have been many tough moments, but they say that from the most difficult situations arise the best opportunities… […]
We breathe all the time, but we rarely take time to breathe – the difference is more important than you might think. The way we breathe changes how we feel, so taking control of it, is incredibly powerful. Written by trainee Ollie Coach, Deborah Stephenson