4 Tried and Tested ways to Teach Good Behaviour
Belinda Wells, Ollie Coach, gives us an insight into the ways she was taught and now uses as a parent and foster mum to promote good behaviour.

Belinda Wells, Ollie Coach, gives us an insight into the ways she was taught and now uses as a parent and foster mum to promote good behaviour.
There is much in the world that we cannot control but learning to master our thoughts and emotions is a positive step we can take right now to strengthen our immunity and encourage strong and healthy minds and bodies. Written by Claire Robertson,Ollie Coach.
Make your home workspace work for you, it doesn’t matter how small an area you have, don’t just ‘make do’ take time to create a workspace you enjoy being in and helps stimulate great work.
In this blog, Ollie Coach Lynne Collins, reflects on how we all live our lives and experience life differently. What we learn at early ages will serve as our strategy, response, mechanism as we grown older and become an adult.
Grief is a way of demonstrating our love for someone but it’s a process, and it happens in stages that may come at different times for different people. It’s important that we allow all the feelings associated with each stage to be felt, acknowledged and respected. By Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells
How RAW do you feel this January? Are you Ready, Able and Willing to make simple lifestyle changes that will bolster your wellbeing with good habits that last?
Caz Campbell, Ollie Coach trainee, encourages us to have a declutter as it can be cleansing, making you feel freer, lighter and it also improves attention, focus and serenity.
Deborah Stephenson, trainee Ollie Coach, wonders why flexibility isn’t often something we focus on or acknowledge in ourselves or in others, but we should… it can make a huge difference to our lives and ultimately our happiness.
There is a military saying that I think applies to owning a business – if you can’t take a joke, don’t sign up. 2020 has at times felt like hustling to survive rather than strategic implementation of a business plan, but we can squeeze more value out of this year by reviewing it through this lens
As the new year beckons, I find it valuable to consider what the past year has taught me and how I might use that knowledge to create a better future. Here are seven prompts that I find useful to focus my thinking. I hope you find them helpful.