Are you coming to the Health, Wealth and Happiness Show?

Suzy Greaves, Psychologies' editor, is delighted to be presenting alongside Ian Tucker, author of Your Simple Path at the Health, Wealth and Happiness Show. Here we get the low-down on his philosophy


Are you coming to the Health, Wealth and Happiness Show?

Ian Tucker is an inspirational author and speaker, his first book titled Your Simple Path has become an Amazon best-seller.

His work encourages us all to develop a simple, caring outlook while looking to follow our heart and not the crowd.

'I am delighted to be a part of the Health, Wealth and Happiness show,' says Tucker. 'I shall be delivering a talk on how we can simplify our outlook on life in order to travel light whilst reacquainting ourselves with what truly matters.'

Who is your biggest inspiration? 

As I reached a crossroads in my life and looked for direction, the author Wayne Dyer showed me the way.

What have you learnt about yourself as you’ve got older?

I have come to know that material possessions will soon gather dust, the simplest things deliver my deepest needs.

If you had to give one piece of life-changing advice to give, what would it be

Gandhi encouraged us 'to be the change you wish to see in the world'. Hold on to his profound message and it will get you through whatever life throws at you.

How do you make a good decision? 

I become silent, and ask to be shown the way, every answer I ever need will be found in my own silence.

If you weren’t you, who would you be? 

To be Irish musician Damien Rice would be as good as it gets for me, his new album has been on repeat for a month!

Optimist or pessimist? 

I’m the eternal optimist. The universe sings your song, therefore being optimistic gives you a better chance of creating the outcome you desire.

What is the key to a happy life? 

To practise kindness – being kind brings me happiness every time.

Suzy Greaves, Psychologies editor is giving a keynote speech at the charity gala dinner at The Health, Wealth and Happiness Show on 31 January 2015. For more information on The Health, Wealth and Happiness Show see To book tickets go to

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