Test: Which role do you play in your life story?

We all face plot twists; the obstacles and setbacks that mark our lives. But how you respond to them can result in different outcomes… Take this test by Flavia Mazelin Salvi with Lise Bartoli for Psychologies France. Translated by Nora Mahony


Test: Which role do you play in your life story?

Personality Test

What character trait does the expression ‘destined for greatness’ bring out in you?

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What do you take into account first when making important decisions?

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What would be the mark of a successful life for you?

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A risky plan is particularly close to your heart, but many of your nearest and dearest have warned you against it. You:

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It’s hard to play an active role in shaping your own life without:

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Which of these quotes could have (almost) come from you?

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What do you make of the idea that events can be read as signs?

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Generally speaking, how do you behave when times are hard?

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Which of the following beliefs could be your own?

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As a child, how did you react to displays of authority?

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What is missing in your life?

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What adjective do you most associate with the word ‘destiny’?

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