Test: Is there enough room in your relationship?

What type of freedom do you most value in your relationships? The freedom to go where you like? Or to think what you like? Or to feel whatever you feel? Take our test to find out how much and what type of space you really need. By Christophe André


Personality Test

The most serious thing, or the most difficult thing to deal with in your eyes would be if your partner:

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Which of the following does your partner say most often when you’re on holiday together?

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Your partner has been unfaithful. You’ll be able to forgive them as long as the motivation for the affair was:

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The freedom you couldn’t do without in a relationship is:

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You are bored at a party but your partner is enjoying him/herself, so doesn’t want to leave. You:

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Respecting the other person means accepting that:

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Your partner tells you that they want to break up with you. Despite your pain, your dignity demands that you:

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As a child you were:

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You would never have been able to be a politician because:

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Past partners often made you feel bad:

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