Test: Is it time to unleash your inner talent?

If your summer dreams about living a more creative life fade as soon as you think about autumn, take our quiz by psychotherapist Sally Brown to find out how you approach creativity, what’s holding you back, and how you can free your creative spirit


Test: Is it time to unleash your inner talent?

Personality Test

A friend has just signed up for life-drawing classes. You think:

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For you, creativity is…

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What's your memory of your childhood creative efforts?

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You unexpectedly have a free weekend. How do you spend it?

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You show a creative project to your partner, who isn't interested. What do you think?

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What part of a creative project do you feel most energised by?

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What one change would help you be more creative?

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A friend has an exhibition of her paintings at a café. What's your reaction when you see it?

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When are you most likely to get an urge to be more creative?

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How do you approach big household tasks, like decorating or throwing a party?

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