Test: How dependent are you on your partner?

Are you keen to please your partner, or desperate not to upset them? Do you smooth over disagreements, or act as if their opinion is the only one that matters? There’s often a fine line between love and submission. This test by François-Xavier Poudat will help you to tell the difference


Personality Test

Your partner has to go away for a month. How will you cope?

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You have a bone to pick with your partner. You wait until:

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The idea of phoning your partner several times a day seems:

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One of your male friends has just been dumped. What will you say to comfort him?

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What little secrets do you have?

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In an ideal world, how would you spend the day?

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At a party, you see your other half laughing with someone you don’t know. How do you feel?

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You would never:

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What does ‘taking care’ of someone really mean?

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You're right, but your partner won't admit it. Do you…

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When do you feel most loved?

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What’s good about being single?

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