Test: How are your hormones influencing you?

Hormones may be invisible but that doesn’t stop them making an impact on every aspect of your life, from your energy levels to your self-confidence. Take our test from psychotherapist Sally Brown to see how your personal hormonal profile is impacting you, and the key hormones you need to get off the rollercoaster


Test: How are your hormones influencing you?

Personality Test

Which of these is currently the biggest challenge to your love life?

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What you eat on any given day depends on:

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What do you usually think about when you’re in the shower?

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Your self-confidence takes a bashing when you:

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People would be surprised to learn that you:

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Your fairy godmother offers to ‘turbo charge’ one area for a month. You would choose:

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Feeling a bit ‘meh’ is usually a sign that:

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Overall, you experience the most ups and downs in:

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Feeling under stress is most likely to make you

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Which of these do you feel the least in control of right now?

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