Do you use your left brain more than your right?


Test: Do you use your left brain or your right?

Personality Test

Youโ€™re at a dinner but you are bored so you occupy your mind by:

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Your boss needs you to find a document for her urgently. You:

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You run into an old school friend. You:

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You dress:

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Itโ€™s 11pm on Friday night. A friend calls you up to see whether you want to join her at a bar. You:

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Whatโ€™s your approach to holidays? You:

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What do your friends say when they come round?

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In your experience intuition is:

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Youโ€™ve fallen in love with a beautiful suit but itโ€™s ridiculously expensive. You:

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Generally, when youโ€™ve got a train to catch, you arrive:

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