Skin saviour: cinnamon and honey face mask

Enjoy the anti-bacterial properties of honey, and the complexion enhancing benefits of cinnamon with this simple face mask - perfect for the change of seasons...


Skin saviour: cinnamon and honey face mask

Here’s another DIY skin solution from Clean Beauty Co. – the new brand focused on all natural beauty.  

This cinnamon and honey face mask is perfect for the festive party season, and will be the saviour your skin needs after a heavy night out. Itโ€™s an exfoliator and is anti-bacterial, sweeping away blackheads and spots and leaving the complexion clean and feeling fresh.

Say goodbye to clogged skin and blocked pores with this fast-acting and all-natural face mask.


  • Honey (1 tbsp.)
  • Cinnamon (1tbsp.)


1. Mix equal parts of honey and cinnamon until it makes a thick paste and smear onto any problem areas avoiding around the eyes.

2. Leave on for five minutes and then rinse to reveal healthy and sparkling skin!

Find out more, along with other skin-food DIY recipes, at

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