Love your freckles

Why I'm dotty for DIY freckles…


Love your freckles

The beauty world is now embracing the freckle and so should we all. Those with them tend to wish they weren’t there and those without envy those who have them.

Freckles are rife come summer time, and if you find you only get freckles when you’re out in the sun, make sure you are wearing a high SPF as effectively these freckles are a form of sun damage.

For those of us who aren’t lucky enough to be born with a cute spattering of the freckly kind on our faces, the Topshop Freckle Pencil, £5, is the latest tool to help achieve a safe sprinkling of sun kissed speckles. Created with two marbleised shades of brown, the waxy formula ensures the effortless and playful freckles look natural and stay put.

To create the look or enhance any freckles you may already have, here are Topshop beauty consultant Hannah Murray's top tips:

1) Begin by sweeping matte bronzer or liquid bronzer onto the cheekbones, temples and the bridge of the nose.

2) Then tap the pencil onto the skin in rapid motions and, if necessary pat gently with your ring finger to soften. For the most natural finish, freckles should be random.

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