Verónica Moreno
Areas of specialism
About Verónica Moreno
Articles by Verónica Moreno
What is Shadow Work?
Our ‘shadow parts’ is a very common term for the old stories we hold onto, negative experiences we didn’t heal or process properly, karmic imprints… They manifest as negative patterns, self-sabotage, limiting beliefs and behaviours that stop us from reaching our highest potential and enjoying a joyful and fulfilling life. Shadow work means becoming aware […]

Transmute All Negative Thoughts & Emotions with this Guided Meditation
Hi Beautiful Soul! This meditation is perfect for when we get caught in the spiral of negative thoughts and we don’t know how to snap out of it. Do this visualisation to clear your energy field and transmute all negative thoughts and emotions! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1AM7ZitRaA For more advanced techniques and tools, join my online program ‘Awakened […]

Life Purpose – 5 Things You Need to Hear Today
1.Wherever you are in your path is exactly where you need to be. Let’s imagine a scale of 0-10 where 0 would be: “I’m completely lost, I have no idea what to do with my life” and 10 would be: “I know exactly what I came here to do, I’m taking all possible actions, I […]

The Only Way to Thrive in these Challenging Times
One of the main things that 2020 and 2021 have taught us is that the only way to thrive and have a joyful experience despite these crazy times, is to look inside and make sure that our inner state is in resonance with the experiences we want to attract. Our reality is a manifestation of […]

The Best Way to Connect with Your Higher Self
This meditation technique has to be one of my favourite tools ever. It helps you connect to your Higher Guidance in a few simple steps. If you want to connect with your Higher Self but you are not sure how, this technique will give you a very strong and clear connection if practised regularly. I […]

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