The journey of a Wannabe Therapy Dog
It is proven that animals can help enormously to lower anxiety levels and reduce stress. Join Xaby and me as Xaby trains to become a Therapy Dog. Written by Ollie Coach, Marie Collett
It is proven that animals can help enormously to lower anxiety levels and reduce stress. Join Xaby and me as Xaby trains to become a Therapy Dog. Written by Ollie Coach, Marie Collett
Every day we make super-fast interpretations, assumptions and decisions about the thousands of things we see, but sometimes it is good to explore a little further so that we don’t miss the real story. Written by trainee Ollie Coach, Deborah Stephenson
Role Modelling is essential. Children learn from us. They will copy us. So, if we want our children to be fair, gentle and well-behaved then, guess what? We need to be fair, gentle and well-behaved. And to do this we need to be consistent and above all, calm. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells.
Words are powerful. They create the scripts we run in our heads. They can be kind, they can be horrid, they can empower, they can hurt, they can create stories that we spend the rest of our lives running from or towards. Written by trainee Ollie Coach, Bep Dhaliwal.
Uncertainty is not new. Before all this, we lived with it every day, because no one can predict what is going to happen in the future. Tomorrow I will know new things that I don’t know today, and next week I will know even more. Written by trainee Ollie Coach, Deborah Stephenson
Our thought patterns are our stories. What we think about is the story we are in. We can either accept it and carry on as we are or we can change it. By changing our thinking we can change our story – our reality. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells.
There will be times throughout our lives when we face challenges and uncertainty. It’s during these times that we can call upon the resources that are inside each of us and we can choose to step into our power and “keep going”. Written by Ollie Coach, Avril Annett
We have all had time to think about how we were “doing” life. Take a moment… be the astronaut… think about what things weren’t working or weren’t fulfilling for you, and which of them you will choose to say “I’m not going to do that anymore!”. Written by trainee Ollie Coach, Deborah Stephenson.
If you worry too much about things, take a look at what you are focussing on – the things you can control or the things you can’t. Here are some top tips for ways to start concentrating on the things within your control. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells
That day you buy your dog, the day your life changes forever, you are their world. Your dog ‘lives in the moment’ and that moment only; what I see I do, what I feel I am, what I hear I react to. You too can ‘be in the moment’. Written by Ollie Coach, Lynne Collins.