Celebrate your happy days

The sun is shinin', come on get happy, so say the words of the old song. And a new online campaign is encouraging you to do the same - and keep a record of it…


Celebrate your happy days

Sometimes it’s the smaller things in life that make us smile; a mug of hot tea on a Monday morning or a silly text from our best friend.

With this in mind, online campaign #100HappyDays is asking you to upload a picture of what makes you happy every day to social media or via email, for 100 days in a row. It can be anything – a day out with a friend, a field of pretty flowers, being at home with the cat, the skyline in your favourite city.

And those who complete the challenge can receive a little book of all their happy images to keep.

To join in, visit 100happydays.com

Photograph: PlainPicture/Kniel Synnatzschke

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