Why is there a Stigma about Therapy?
People who do partake in Coaching or Therapy of any kind, are in fact far from crazy. They are actually taking a very positive step. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells.

People who do partake in Coaching or Therapy of any kind, are in fact far from crazy. They are actually taking a very positive step. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells.
Ollie Coach, Helen Taylor, explains how ‘learning to speak Ollie’ can help you to talk to your child so that they feel heard and empowered.
The career advice I wish I had been given when I was younger
In this blog trainee Ollie Coach, Deborah Stephenson discusses how face to face conversations are the foundations on which we build a sense of the world around us, helping us build rapport, where we share mutual understanding, trust and empathy. So what happens when we get out of practice?
In this blog Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells, tells of one way that she is helping her daughter to develop her emotional intelligence while managing her own emotions in a positive and constructive manner.
Everyone has the resources they need within themselves to be the best version of themselves, they just need to listen to their own advice. Written by trainee Ollie Coach, Jess Goddard
We’ve all been there. You’re in a meeting, explaining your point, and someone interrupts or talks over you. You’ve now lost your flow and your control of the discussion. So how do you regain control and assert yourself without looking petty?
Lists, lists, lists.
I love a list… in fact, I’ve just gone through my list of things to do today, and one task is to finish this blog so I’d better get on. Written by trainee Ollie Coach, Deborah Stephenson
Progress is rarely without difficulty. But it is progress, on a journey towards a destination.
And progress is positive. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells.
By being aware of how the ‘don’t’ can impact the ‘do’, we learn that by changing the inner dialogue we can come out with healthier alternatives… Written by Ollie Coach, Lynne Collins.