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3 Simple Steps to Make Your Mornings Matter

Rituals can be found at the very foundations of every ancient culture, yet their significance today is often overlooked. Creating your own morning ritual can powerfully impact your day. Read on to discover how...

Rituals can be found at the very foundations of every ancient culture, yet their significance today is often overlooked. Human beings naturally gravitate toward rituals. For example, the way we comb or brush our hair, the route we take to work or the things we do when we prepare for a big competition, presentation or meeting.

When we switch off our autopilot and perform a routine with intention and purpose, we transform our habits into sources of inspiration and bring about measurable impactful results. The results of a recent sports psychology study indicated clear performance benefits of pre-performance rituals, including improved attention and increased emotional stability and confidence.[i]

It is natural to resist the concept of introducing a ritual into your daily life when you desperately seek to reduce your to-do list rather than add to it. Relax. There is a creative way around this. 

First reflect on how you currently approach each morning.

Do you begin the day doing any of the following:

  • Leaping out of bed when the alarm clock startles you?
  • Checking your phone for news, messages and emails?
  • Running over the day’s to-do list in your mind?
  • Filling your head with fear about how you are going to fit everything in?
  • Looking in the mirror and beating yourself up about how you perceive yourself to look?

If the answer is yes… then you would benefit from a morning ritual

Creating one is as simple as 1, 2, 3! 

Step 1 – Pause 

Visualise yourself taking a moment before getting out of bed to press >>PAUSE<<.  

Step 2 – Breathe

While lying still, take three deep breaths and check in with how you are feeling.  Gently appreciate your body. Imagine focusing your attention on the part of you that most feels alive and invite the feeling you have there to expand and spread out across the rest of your body.

Turn your awareness to your breath as you take your next three breaths, intentionally allowing them to be full, deep ones.  Imagine each breath completely re-oxygenating your body. Notice how calm you feel, then slowly ease yourself out of bed.

Step 3 – Mindset 

Place both of your feet flat on the floor, shoulders width apart and consciously ground yourself in the present moment. Stretch your arms and legs allowing yourself to consciously become aware of the amazing body that will be supporting you throughout the day ahead.

Purposefully use the time when you take your shower, make your morning cup of tea or brush your teeth to create a positive mindset for the day. 

As you have your shower or sip your tea, ask your inner guidance, ‘What one quality can I bring to my day today for my highest good?’. Allow an answer to flow to you and give you inspiration that you can carry with you to work.

Have fun making your morning ritual your own

You may wish to boost it by adding music, looking at an inspiring image or vision board, singing or expressing yourself with some free-flowing body movement. 

Enjoy the process of playing with it… and be prepared for positive change… it is likely to very powerfully affect your everyday experience.

[i] ‘Developing Effective Pre-performance Routines in Golf’, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2010, Stewart T Cotterill, Ross Sanders, Dave Collins.


Need some help creating your new ritual for 2019? 

Read my bestseller ‘Burnout to Brilliance: Strategies for Sustainable Success‘ or book your complimentary consultation with me today.  Click here to view my calendar and choose the slot that best suits your schedule.  I look forward to speaking with you 🙂

Burnout Coach Jayne Morris

Burnout Coach Jayne Morris

Bespoke burnout recovery coaching programmes & retreats

Jayne Morris is the author of Burnout to Brilliance: Strategies for Sustainable Success. Jayne has over fifteen years’ experience in the mental health field, specialising in Burnout Coaching as an ICF PCC Executive Coach and is accredited in PG Cert Business & Personal Coaching, as well as being a Postgraduate-level Tutor and Coach Supervisor. She is also a former NHS Online Health Sector Life Coach, endorsed by Professor Dame Clare Gerada MBE, Chair Royal Council General Practitioners NHS. Jayne additionally holds an Advanced Diploma in Integrative Art Psychotherapy and BSc Economics. She is also accredited by the International Coaching Federation, the Association for Coaches and the National Council for Integrative Psychotherapy. As a member of the British Neuroscience Association, American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, International Transactional Analysis Association, Functional Fluency International and Institute for Arts and Therapy in Education Alumni Association, Jayne is passionate about continued professional development and stays across the latest developments in the fields of neuroscience, executive coaching, neuro linguistic programming, transactional analysis and integrative art psychotherapy. As a sought-after speaker, workshop leader, BBC radio and TV personality, Jayne is regularly invited to talk on a variety of topics relating to burnout prevention and recovery, sleep and stress management. Jayne delivers a postgraduate coach training programme on behalf of Barefoot Coaching Ltd, accredited by the University of Chester and ICF. She is also an ICF Mentor Coach and Coach Supervisor qualified at postgraduate level. She has been featured in many national and international publications on the topics of burnout, stress and wellbeing. Jayne runs Balanceology, a wellbeing business, with her husband Dylan. Balanceology offer in-person and online wellbeing workshops, coaching and consultancy. Jayne has extensive experience managing retreat spaces and running retreats, including projects for Charlotte Church's The Dreaming (Wales), Pythouse Kitchen Garden (Wiltshire), Belmont Estate (Bristol), 42 Acres (Frome) and Lucknam Park Spa (Bath). She creates bespoke individual and group retreats hosted in specially selected venues in the UK and abroad. When not writing, speaking or coaching on topics relating to burnout, Jayne can be found swimming in the sea, practicing martial arts (she is a black belt in both Karate and Tae Kwon Do) or our on long walks with the family dog, Blade. She resides with her husband and two daughters by the coast, near Bristol, where she loves running 3-day restorative retreats and being outdoors.

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