10 Reasons to be Cheerful
In order to be cheerful, we have to understand that there are positives and negatives to everything, but also, we need to be able to put aside the negatives and look for the positives. Written by Ollie Coach, Belinda Wells.

Are you having a good day or a bad day? If someone were to ask you today, what have you got to be grateful for, what would you answer? In order to be cheerful, we have to understand that there are positives and negatives to everything, but also, we need to be able to put aside the negatives and look for the positives
So here, as the song says, are my 10 ‘Reasons to be Cheerful’ and there are undoubtedly loads more. I’m sure you will be able to add many to the list and they will be different to mine. We are all unique after all!
In no particular order;
- The Weather
I’m sitting in my garden as I write. It is a beautiful day and so uplifting. And good weather really does lift our mood. As Brits we are often told that it’s the first thing we talk about when we meet someone! Well, that’s pretty true, I’d say! If it is a beautiful day as you read this then take time to immerse yourself in it. Allow yourself to relax and be thankful for it. And if it’s not such a nice day, then why not reflect. Remember the last glorious sunshine and allow yourself to be transported. And think of all the positives that it brings – plants and flowers, nature, our gardens….. mine as I sit and write.
A beautiful day can really make me feel blessed!
- Time
We all have the same amount of time in every day. But some of us spend it rushing around so fast that it goes really quickly! Believe it or not, the slower your pace of life, the more time you seem to have. Some of us spend our time worrying about things. There are things we have no control over, so to worry about them is only surrendering to their negativity. We all have the same 24 hours a day. Time, to spend in any positive way we choose. If we wish to. Time to Read, Reflect, Relax, Re-think and Regroup. To look and to see what good things are actually happening if we open our eyes to them. However small they are. It is so much healthier and more rewarding to focus on spending our time positively. It gets the endorphins working which boosts pleasure and enhances wellbeing. Just as being out in the sunshine or in our garden can. That’s scientifically proven.
- Kindness
Kindness is out there in abundance right now. Kindness, Concern, Recognition, Humility, Courage, Resilience, Charity and Hope. It is all there if we look. We hear about the NHS, Delivery Drivers, Carers, Supermarket Staff – there are so, so many! There is a whole wave of touching personality traits that we may previously have missed in people! And how we treat each other is so important! What we notice and recognise is too. It can make all the difference to someone. To us all.
- Superheroes
All of the above mentioned- and more! We are all superheroes in our own way. It shows in the way we are coping! In the way we are giving. In who we are. Mums and Dads, Children, Adults. All dealing with stress and relationships, but, doing it, and in a way we haven’t perhaps experienced before! Those on their own, elderly or alone. People who have not been able or allowed to work. Those who have had to work in extraordinary circumstances! Where would be, without all of them?
And not all superheroes wear capes! Look at Captain Tom Moore, raising millions for charity at the age of 99 by walking round his garden!
- Family and Friends
No matter what, or who, they are there. We miss them, but actually I probably keep in touch with some of them more often at the moment than I did previously, albeit virtually. I became a grandma at the end of April, and I am sure I feel, as many people in the same boat, it has been hard knowing that I could not go to meet the new baby and congratulate my daughter and her husband in person. But, better safe and well! And what a joy, to know that I have this to look forward to! And it really is a lovely daily thought to remind me that there is something great to come.
As a race, humans really need other people. We are social beings and we have a built in need to belong. So, friendships are really important. When we take time to think about friendships we have made, it not only generates feelings of love but also feelings of gratitude too. Most of us have a few very good friends. Take to think back over times together. It will make you smile!
- Food and Essentials
We have enough, despite some panic buying and a few who are still hoarding, there is enough to go round. And actually, a really great lesson I have learned is that – any brand is absolutely fine! They all do the job. Perhaps we will be less brand snobbish and a little more grateful for what we have in the weeks and months to come! I’ve also realised, to my horror, that I have probably spent far too much on luxuries or non-essentials in the past. And in learning to live during lockdown it has made me realise just how little I actually need, and yet still feel satisfied and happy!
- Achievements
What have you achieved in your life? Sometimes we forget, and there are so many things we have all done that can be celebrated, however long ago or however small. Take a moment to look back at some of the things you have achieved and give yourself a pat on the back! Allow yourself to see who you really are through the eyes of someone who loves you. And take the credit for the successes you have had.
- Doing something worthwhile
If, like me you feel really privileged to be able to work in a career where you can really make a difference, then you will know why this would give me a reason to feel cheerful! So many people really do give back or pay it forward in life. And you should be very proud if you are one of them! Do you love what you do? Do you know that it is worthwhile? Then Celebrate! And if not, and you would like to, then it’s never too late to change direction. I know. I’ve done it more than once.
- Health
Here is one we have all, I’m sure taken for granted up until now! Perhaps this stark reminder will help us to appreciate our good health. Certainly, anyone who has ever had a serious health scare themselves, will know that it is a often a catalyst to appreciating good health and it can also be a wake-up call to look at things in a different light. As a mentor of mine used to say, if you feel down because you have a broken arm, remember somewhere, there is a person who has two broken arms. And this may seem glib, and as it happens it probably is. But the point being, look at what you do have. You have one very good healthy arm!
- The Future
And so, to the future! It is always there for us to make of it what we will.
I for one am really looking forward to mine! There is hope, there is love and kindness. There is such a great deal to look forward to, if we are positive. If we focus on the positives it stops us dwelling on the negatives. You can’t really feel negative and positive at the same time. And as we attract what we think about, I for one know that I would rather attract positivity! The future looks bright to me. I hope it does to you too.
Belinda Wells, Ollie Coach
Belinda is an Ollie Coach and Foster Carer. Previously a Primary School Teacher, she now has over 20 years’ experience working with children. Her interests are psychology, how we think and why we behave as we do, and she loves learning and writing. Belinda enjoys seeing the difference her work as an Ollie Coach can make to the children and families she works with.
To get in contact with Belinda email Belinda.wells@ollieandhissuperpowers.com
To find out more about Ollie and his Super Powers and how to become an Ollie Coach go to www.ollieandhissuperpowers.com

Caroline Chipper
Co founder of Subconquest Ltd, that trades as Ollie and his Super Powers. My many years of commercial experience is being put to good use managing the business side of Ollie, including working with our Ollie Coaches, and managing our contracts. In everything we do its about making a difference to those we work with. To find out more go to https://www.ollieandhissuperpowers.com/pages/about-us