Test: Are you self-reliant?

We all like to think we’ve got inner strength we can draw on. But how good are we at summoning this, and do we know how to use it to our advantage? By Anne Schwartzweber


Personality Test

Your boss tells you that the company you work for is going out of business. You:

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For some time, you have been suffering from panic attacks. You:

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You go for a check-up and your white blood cell count is abnormally high. Your doctor wants to do further tests. You:

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What’s your favourite piece of music?

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You witness someone being violently mugged on the street. You:

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You discover that your colleagues are all going out to a new Japanese restaurant for lunch, but they haven’t invited you. What do you do?

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You’ve completed some work of which you are quite proud. However, your boss is not convinced.

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On the way from visiting friends in the country, your car breaks down on a quiet road. What do you do?

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During a meal in a restaurant your partner announces that he/she wants to break up with you. You:

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After a long climb, you arrive at the top of the mountain. You:

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