Test: What stops you enjoying life?

We all know someone who’s in the midst of a deliciously random adventure. But we can all learn to cultivate small pleasures and positive emotions. Take our test to identify what stops you from enjoying yourself, and reboot your zest for life. By Catherine Maillard for Psychologies France


Personality Test

Recently, you celebrated:

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The weather forecast features torrential rain. You think:

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How do you keep up with current affairs?

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Your favourite day of the year is:

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When are you most likely to sing out loud?

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Which of these books appeals to you most?

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A beautiful ballet tutu evokes:

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You struggled to put together your new flatpack furniture by yourself. You persevered because:

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When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel?

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You’re in a changing room in a shop trying on skinny jeans that are too small. You think:

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Office life is an opportunity to:

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Your best friend has just been dumped. How do you react?

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