Your New Year, new beginnings series 2014

New Year, new beginnings series 2014 : We’ve put together a series of articles to help you achieve your New Year’s resolution and make the changes you want to in 2014.


Your New Year, new beginnings series 2014
  • How to learn from 2013Whether 2013 was a great year for you, or not, there is still something to be learned from it, to make 2014 the best year possible.
  • What have you learnt about yourself in 2013?When Lauren Hadden, our deputy editor, started 2013, she thought she knew what she wanted. As the year comes to an end, she finally discovered what she really wanted all along…
  • What Psychologies learnt in 2014 – With every issue, the Psychologies team learn so much. Here, we look back at the best things we’ve learnt in 2013.
  • Tips to begin a new yearBeginning something new can feel both exciting and challenging. Zen Master Mary Jaksch has some tips to help us adopt the mindset that will give us the best chance at success.
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