What does friendship mean to you?


Test: What does friendship mean to you?

Personality Test

A colleague is getting married. Everyone in the office but you has received an invitation. You would rather:

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Your partner comes home from work sullen and short tempered. You:

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A friend leaves you standing alone at a party where you donโ€™t know anyone. You:

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Your partner is out late. You try to ring, but the mobile goes straight to voicemail. You:

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You lose your job. You:

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A friend confides that they are having problems at home. You:

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You sometimes think your bossโ€ฆ

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A friend wins a trip for two to a spa and invites someone else. You:

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Your partnerโ€™s work requires them to travel for three weeks. You:

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Someone gives you an unexpected gift. You think:

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