What are you chasing?

Everyone is chasing some elusive goal in life - whether it's novelty, thrills, emotional wellbeing or pleasure. But the motivation behind what we are seeking can sometimes make us drive ourselves at a crazy pace. Identify your secret motivations so that you can keep your life on an even keel - and take things more slowly. Take this test by Flavia Mazelin Salvi and find out


Test: What are you chasing?

Personality Test

You've got a whole day to yourself in the countryside. What do you do?

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You have just completed an important project – how do you feel?

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What for you would signal success in life?

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You decide on impulse to make a major purchase. What was your thinking?

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What quality would you like more of?

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How would you feel if you had to leave your current life and start again from scratch?

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Which strategy would you use if you were under pressure? You would:

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What sort of scene in a film has the power to move you?

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How do you feel when you're in the heart of a city?

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You are coming up against a deadline at work. What are you afraid you will run out of?

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