Test: What’s stressing you out really?

If you crave a calmer life, but can’t seem to step off the busyness treadmill, take our test to find out what’s really causing the deluge of activity and commitment


Test: What's stressing you out really?

Personality Test

Growing up, you most wanted to:

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What advice do you get most often?

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You are most likely to miss a deadline because you:

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Which of these changes would make you feel more on top of things?

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When the alarm goes at the start of a busy week, you’re most likely to think:

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You wish you could feel less guilty about:

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You feel particularly overwhelmed when you:

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When you’ve achieved a goal, you think:

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When you’re with a successful friend, you wonder:

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Part of you worries that if you’re less busy, you’ll feel:

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