Test: What motivates you at work?

Discover your true attitude towards work, and overcoming the inevitable workplace hurdles will become much easier. Test by Catherine Maillard for Psychologies France


Test: What motivates you at work?

Personality Test

To really perform well at work, you need:

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Your partner offers to whisk you away for a long weekend on a Friday morning. You:

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When everything goes wrong at work, you:

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The first thing you do when you get to the office on Monday is:

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At the last moment, a colleague cancels an appointment. You:

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Your usual work demeanour is:

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Youโ€™re having a birthday party. The guest list includes:

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When it comes to your working life, the thing youโ€™re most likely to want to change is:

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Your view of workaholics is:

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At the end of the working day, a problem is unresolved. You will:

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When you look back on your professional life, you think:

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