Test: Which type of yoga is right for me?

With so many different types of yoga out there, it can be tricky to know which one is right for you. Take our test to find out which type of yoga your mind, body and soul are craving...


Test: What kind of yoga do you need right now?

Your Result

You need Hatha

However much you love and value your friends and family, too much noise and time spent with other people can wear you down. During periods of stress, you crave time on your own to think. Mostly, you are a โ€˜coperโ€™ and you often prioritise other peopleโ€™s needs above your own. But feeling vulnerable can be a sign that youโ€™re overdue some serious self-care. Hatha is the generic term given to any type of yoga that involves a sequence of postures but, in recent years, itโ€™s become associated with gentler yoga classes that provide a good introduction to the basic postures and breathing techniques.

You can be a bit of a worrier and suffer periods of self-doubt, which can create tension in your body. Hathaโ€™s gentle moves will unravel tense muscles, and increase flexibility in your body and mind. If youโ€™re a beginner, or feel self-conscious about how inflexible you are, Hatha is a good choice, as itโ€™s suitable for people of all levels.

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