Test: What are you really afraid of?

Is fear holding you back? Take our test to find out what’s keeping you stuck in your comfort zone, and what needs to change for courage to flourish


Test: What are you really afraid of?

Personality Test

A friend suggests you both quit your jobs to go travelling. What worry is most likely to hold you back?

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You secretly admire people who:

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When you have an important decision to make, you tend to:

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Which of these daily events triggers stress or anxiety for you?

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You feel bravest when:

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You would find it easier to make big changes if you:

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When you ruminate about the past, you fret about:

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You’re asked to make a speech at a friend’s party. Afterwards, you’re most likely to think about whether:

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You’re most likely to do something outside of your comfort zone if:

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Having more confidence would have the most impact on your:

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