Test: How would you respond to betrayal?

Most of us would find it difficult to be the victim of lies, deceit or infidelity in a relationship. But we don't all want to take revenge in the same way, if at all. How would you respond if you'd been betrayed? By Dominique François and Dominique Mazin


Personality Test

Your partner has to go abroad for a work conference at the end of the month with their team for the first time. How do you react?

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When your partner was leaving this morning, they kissed you at the door and said 'we need to talk tonight'. You…

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The couple next door are arguing and shouting. The door slams then the husband rings your doorbell and asks if he can make a quick couple of phonecalls as he left his mobile in the house when he walked out. You…

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Your new partner has lied to you – you thought they were single but have since found out from someone else that they're actually married. Tonight you…

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Your partner has lied for the last year, telling you they were at training when in fact they were cheating on you with someone else. You…

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You come home to find your very attractive single neighbour chatting away to your partner – they just popped in to borrow a corkscrew apparently.

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You come across old photos of your partner's ex within the pages of a book. You…

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Your partner has just told you they have met someone else. Nothing has happened between them yet, but they need time to think things over. You…

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When your partner feels guilty about something they always buy you a gift. This evening they've presented you with a cashmere jumper. You;…

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Your partner always gives their mother a great birthday present, but you always seem to get something generic like a box of chocolates. You…

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