Test: How kind are you?

Kindness opens our capacity for thoughtfulness, helping to enrich our relationships and bring peace to the communities we live in. Who wouldn’t want more of that? So, how open are you to kindness? Take our specially commissioned test, compiled by Dominique Francis and Dominic Mazin for Psychologies France, and find out


Test: How kind are you?

Personality Test

You are stopped on the street by a charity volunteer asking you to donate. You think…

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After waiting for the lift, it finally arrives. You get in and see someone else approaching. You:

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Your finances are in the red, but it’s your partner’s birthday tomorrow. You think:

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At the queue in the post office, a foreign woman doesn’t understand what the assistant is saying. You:

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Your best friend is moving home, but she’s saving money and not using a removal firm. You:

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Your colleague talks very loudly on the phone. You:

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The traffic lights change and the car behind you starts beeping furiously. You:

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For the second time in a week, your neighbours are keeping you awake by partying. You:

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One of your friends runs a restaurant. She’s promised to give you a free meal many times, but has never set a date. You think…

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You’d be most hurt to be told you lacked:

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