Test: How do you react in unpredictable times?

Uncertainty is unavoidable, but how we respond to it can make a big difference to our experience of life. Take our test to discover your default setting when you are unsure


Test: How do you react in unpredictable times?

Personality Test

A classic sign that youโ€™re feeling uncertain is:

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You really admire people who seem to have unshakeable:

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In the rollercoaster days of a new relationship, you feel:

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For you, the hardest thing about uncertainty is:

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You are most likely to make a big change:

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You get a mood boost when youโ€™ve:

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Conflict at work makes you feel:

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Youโ€™re at your most proactive when you feel sure:

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Youโ€™re most likely to do something outside of your comfort zone if:

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Facing uncertainty is always much easier when you:

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