Test: How do you deal with change?

Transitions can be very empowering – take our test to find out what will help you flourish


Test: How do you deal with change?

Your Result

What needs your attention during times of change? Self identity

When you’re going through changes, sometimes it can be hard to hang on to a solid sense of self. Change can make us question how others perceive us, as identity is
often tied up in what we can do and how we live our lives. It makes sense that if your self-identity is built on your relationships with others, and it matters what other
people think of you, you may feel particularly vulnerable during times of transition. It’s a natural reaction to resist change, or to believe that maintaining the status quo is your best option. But adapting to changes that are not of your choosing is not about compromising or giving in – it’s about being flexible and responsive. Working out what you feel or think about the changes to your life can be hard enough, but it becomes all the more confusing if it’s caught up with concern for what others are thinking about you. If you have a vocal inner critic, it’s easy for you to assume that others are also assessing or judging you. Letting go of overthinking about whether others approve of you is the first step in strengthening your sense of identity. Remember, a shift in identity may be unsettling, but it can also be an opportunity to take stock, reassess, grow and flourish.

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