Test: How do you deal with change?
Transitions can be very empowering – take our test to find out what will help you flourish

Your Result
What needs your attention during times of change? Self nurturing
When all feels uncertain, do you find it hard to make even the simplest of decisions, or to plan ahead? Transitions can affect us on a physical, psychological and emotional level, and there are times when we need to lower our expectations of what we can achieve. Even driven and focused individuals can find themselves suddenly feeling directionless during times of change. It may be that your focus needs to narrow for a while, simplifying your goals to what is really important. Try to shift your focus from getting things back to the way they were – transitions can bring powerful and positive growth if we lean in rather than resist changes that are out of our
control. Right now, you need to be kind to yourself, and allow yourself to tread water until the storm passes. When it’s calmer, what really matters to you will be much clearer, whether it is approaching an established routine with new insight or taking a leap and doing something completely different. In the meantime, surround yourself with uplifting people. Spending time with like-minded people who share your passions, vision or goals will make it easier for you to find the right path, when the time is right. And small moments of shared humour and kindness are invaluable during times of transition.
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