Test: How do you come across in job interviews?

You’ve been applying for jobs and have been asked to come in for an interview, but how well-prepared are you to face the interviewer? Answer the following questions and you’ll discover how to present yourself in the best way possible. By Gilles Donada and Eric Pestel


Personality Test

You have an interview today. When did you think about what to wear?

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Before you leave the house, you take one last glance at yourself in the mirror. What do you see?

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You arrive at the interview…

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As you arrive at the room where the interview is taking place, you…

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What is running through your mind as you meet the interviewer for the first time?

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The interviewer invites you to sit down. You…

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Once in your seat, how are you sitting?

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What sort of bag have you brought with you?

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During the interview, you…

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How do you respond when the interviewer asks about your strengths and weaknesses?

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