Test: Can you laugh at yourself?

It’s not always easy to laugh at yourself, but it often eases an awkward situation. One thing is certain, being able to laugh at your own mistakes shows you are self-aware and have a healthy sense of self-esteem. So, have you mastered the art of self-deprecation? By Frédéric Fanget and Flavia Mazelin-Salvi


Personality Test

You tell a joke, but it falls flat. Do you…

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If you were put on the spot and had to name your three biggest faults, how easy would you find it?

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Your new colleague is very good at talking themselves up. You…

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Your partner points out that you have developed a verbal tic, often repeating the same phrase. You…

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You have just had a disaster in the kitchen with your signature dessert. What do you say to your guests?

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What do you think when you fail at something?

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Being able to laugh at yourself might also be a way to:

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How gullible are you?

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There’s a photo of you looking awful on Facebook. You…

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In the face of criticism, you…

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Your boss criticises you, while disguising the comment with humour. How do you react?

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Which of the following would sum up self-confidence for you?

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