How grown-up are you?


Test: How grown-up are you?

Personality Test

You find out that someone you know has spoken about you negatively behind your back. How do you react?

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Youโ€™re watching one of your favourite TV programmes but itโ€™s 11pm on a work night and the episode just finished on a cliff hanger. What do you do?

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Your sink is leaking and you have no idea how to fix it. How do you handle it?

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Youโ€™re thinking about getting a pet. How do you approach the subject?

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A rare free weekend for you and your friends is coming up. How do you all plan to spend it?

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Something big has happened in your life and you want to get the word out. After telling your nearest and dearest, how do you choose to share the happy news with everyone else?

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