Are you at war with yourself?

The ideal of being at peace is a fundamental human need. But how do we achieve it? Complete this test to discover how


Are you at war with yourself?

Personality Test

You're at a restaurant and the waiter seems to be taking a long time to serve you. You thinkโ€ฆ

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You're at a party, sitting in the corner with a drink in your hand, people-watching. What's going through your mind?

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When you were at school and struggling with your maths homework, what were your thoughts?

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You have had your heart broken. What's going through your mind?

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What is your most frequent complaint?

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You are in a long queue at the supermarket. What are you thinking?

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When you fail at something or are rejected, what's your first reaction?

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You have had an argument with someone close to you. How do you react?

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