Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


Test: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Personality Test

Youโ€™re really busy at work and a colleague is telling you their life story and personal woes. You:

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Youโ€™ve been sitting in the doctorโ€™s waiting room for more than 25 minutes. You:

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Youโ€™re having an animated discussion with a colleague regarding a project that youโ€™re in charge of. You:

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You are taking part in a guided tour of a museum. You:

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During dinner parties at your home, you have a hard time with people who:

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You crack a joke at work, but nobody seems to have noticed. You:

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This morning, your agenda seems to be free. You:

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During dinner, the discussion moves to a subject about which you know nothing at all. You:

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Youโ€™re out with a group of friends and thereโ€™s a person whoโ€™s quite shy and doesnโ€™t talk much. You:

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At work, somebody asks for your help for the hundredth time. You:

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Youโ€™ve been see a movie with your family and the reviews are mixed. You:

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A friend arrives late for your meeting. You:

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You canโ€™t find your car keys. You:

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Itโ€™s time for your annual appraisal with your boss. You:

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