Are you a generalist?

In the career world, we're often told we need to specialise to succeed. But, are you a career generalist? Take our quiz to find out!


Personality Test

Do you find lots of different things interesting or worthwhile?

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When you really understand how something works, where it fits and how to do it, do you lose interest in it?

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Do you hate the expectation that there's only one answer to the question 'What do you want to be when you grow up?'

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Do you find it more interesting to come up with new ideas or ways of doing things than to focus in on the details that actually make it happen?

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Do you ever describe yourself as a โ€˜dabblerโ€™?

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When asked 'Where do you see yourself in five years' time?' do you find it impossible to answer in the singular?

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Do you have a hard time choosing?

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Do you have a job that you can do well, but feel thereโ€™s something more you havenโ€™t been able to identify?

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Is the idea of doing the same thing all your working life appalling to you?

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Do you have lots of unfinished projects and yet happily move on to starting something new?

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