Test: What’s stopping you from making a new start?

Failure, betrayal, loss or even unexpected blessings: some things in life stop us in our tracks, making it difficult to move on. Take our test to discover what’s holding you back BY FLAVIA MAZELIN SALVI AND MICHEL LEJOYEUX


Test: What’s stopping you from making a new start?

Personality Test

What was your greatest disappointment as a child?

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To get where you want in life, you:

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You’ve been paired up with a workmate who is known for being tough on colleagues. How do you approach the job?

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You are really close to achieving something big when it all goes wrong. What goes through your mind when you look back on what happened?

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You were in a great relationship, but now it’s over. Which of these describes how you feel?

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One of your oldest friends treats you very badly. How do you react?

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‘Live every day as if it were your last.’ What do you think of this advice?

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What prevents you from taking things as they come?

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Memory is selective. Which memory do you find yourself coming back to again and again?

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In a moment of perfect happiness, which of these thoughts is liable to go through your mind?

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What is the most painful thing you can imagine?

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How did you deal with your first major heartache?

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